After several weeks of being down and out with various ailments, I am officially alive. I feel human this weekend for the first time in this entire month. No stuffed/runny nose, my head isn't spinning, no more all over body aches, my throat is no longer on fire or being bombarded with knives, and I am actually very lucid! For a while I was down and out with just some random bug that was going around, then after about 2 days of "feeling human" I was sick again! After several doctor visits I was told I had Mono-- The Kissing Disease! Uh-oh... my boyfriend never had it! Dum-dum-dummm! What had I been up to!? Was I bad!? NO! :P But, it did wipe me off my feet during the worst possible time: Ohio Graduation Tests (state required testing sucks!)
So, all last week I went in to school and from 7:45 through 10:30 I took the tests (against the doctor's wishes), and then went home (in accordance to his and my mother's wishes). I slept, and slept and slept. Only broken was my ritual by intervals of small half bites of food, doctor visits, and trips to the bathroom. Being diagnosed with mononucleosis was not the worst of it; no, the worst was the fact that I couldn't sleep in my own room.
With the snow melting, the ground became very saturated. My room is in the basement and the cracks in my cement floor meant that my floor- carpet and all- was soggy. So, as we've done several times before, we gutted my room (we being my mother, I was sick) stuck the dehumidifier in the middle of the room and proceeded to let it air out... the entire time I was sick. Due to the lack of a bed in my bedroom, I slept on the couch upstairs. I slept better there than I ever have in my own bed! But, I didn't have any of the "bedroom comforts" (absolutely no light, no noise, cool air, and all that jazz) so it was awkward. But, I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong, I got a clean room out of the deal! WOO HOO!
So, I'm back now. Life is just as insane as ever, but I don't have time to recap anything else yet because I'm swamped with makeup homework. Ugh.
*robotic voice* I am a slave to the school.
You're swamped with "makeup homework." Is that the kind of homework they give you in beauty school?
BTW, now, not only did your mom clean your room, but she cleaned your desk area, too. Shall we count the minutes until all of my hard work gets buried under candy wrappers and notes and books tossed casually onto the floor and desk?
My desk is still clean one day later!
OK, I'm in the mood for a contest. My desk (indeed, my entire office) is a wreck, as usual. BUT, I'll spend tonight getting it clean. Let's see which of us can keep it clean longer. I've got my money on you, 'cause I know I'm a bigger slob.
We'll let Captain Hormone be the judge.
I am so glad your alive!
now work! it stinks to be sick especially the make up work.
Now to this contest hmmmm... I think I would bet on beth.
she may seem disorganized but in reality she is organized.
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