Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Self

So much time has gone by since my last post, and I'm not even going to try to fill my readers in on my past few months; I'm just going to dive right in and tell about the newest happenings.
I was accepted into my local branch of Kent Stat University for the post secondary programs. (If you want more details, check out my mom's blog, there's a link in the side bar.)
I began driving a lot more than ever before. School, church, friends' houses, the library, and all over are my new destinations rather than just my infrequent trips to a store for Mom.
I took the AP US History exam and we (the entire class) skipped school and went out to eat at a fast food restaurant of our choice and then reconvened at an ice cream shop near the school and then only went to the last period of school.
I dyed my hair with burgundy low-lights. Admittedly, it went a little more to the degree of a full dye-job and looks like my natural color is the high-lights. But, I like it. Sadly, my favorite shirt some how got the dye on it even though I changed out of it while Mom was doing the dye and all that jazz, so, I have no idea how it got stained.
I got a 21 on my ACT (similar to the SAT, only the highest score is 36--a hard score to reach for Seniors), and since I'm just a Sophomore and had mono while taking it, I think that's a fairly good score. Most students my age get 16-23 on the test. (LOL, apparently I'm average!! WOO HOO!!)
And then I'm still bogged down with homework... *gag*


Corey said...

Hai, didn't mention me at all in that post :'( I is sad.

DiAnne said...

Beth, Beth, Beth. Skipping school? Cruisin' around to ice cream shops instead of going to class? Didn't I raise you to be a good kid?

(And why didn't you swing by home to pick me up so I could join in the Ice Cream Yumminess??)

Beth said...

Lovecannon: i thought about doing an entry all about just you. so wait and see.
Mom:just wait until next year when i can go out to eat every day!!

Anonymous said...

congrats on all of your accomplishments!

I am soooo glad u are back blogging!