Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Yesterday was the first real day of Summer Vacation for me, and what did I do? I loafed around the house and enjoyed my reading time. Summer break is always my break from reality, I would read till time ends if it weren't for the necessity of food and a bathroom.
Delving into the parallel universes in all three of the books (all of which are a part of a series) that I am reading currently.
The Raison Strain that will kill the world and send Earth to ruins, and in turn provide for the rise of tangible elements of good and evil beings (ie God and the Devil).
A world full of "vampyres" and a prep school for the "new-born" fledglings filled with all the usual preps, jocks, Daughters of Darkness, geeks, and loners.
Followed by a good dose of time travel and 17th century kilt-wearing Scotsmen.
And if you are a TV watching bum and cannot figure out what those books are, well, then I guess I must tell you. The Raison Strain is found in Ted Dekker's Circle Series, Black. While the very obvious "teen fiction" book (not the best read ever, not a challenge at all) about vampyres is found in the House of Night novels by P.C. and Kristin Cast, the first one being Marked, the book I am currently reading. And last but not least (by far), The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon, the opening novel is the title of the series. This story I am listening to on audio rather than reading.
Quite clearly, delving into worlds unknown and drowning myself in letters on pages is a big hobby of mine. If reading three books at once astounds you, then be glad I didn't prattle off all the names of the books I just finished reading (over 20 checked out from my local library at once... tee-hee).
For those of you who don't read frequently, GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTTS AND CRACK OPEN A GOOD BOOK! I'll gladly offer names to any of you who ask. It's soooooo much fun to read. Once you get into a good story, it grabs you and pulls you deep within and soon you find yourself 300 pages later and 2 hours gone with your mind swirling full of other people's lives. Amazing.


DiAnne said...

Oh, be still my heart...

You wrote about my beloved Jamie!!

The Outlander series is just so damned incredible. I mean, it has to be pretty damn good in order to make ME fall in love with an 18th century Scottish man, right??

Oh, and stay off the bicycle while reading, you ding dong.

Beth said...

Correction, Ms. Grammar-Nazi, it's ding-dong. :P

Anonymous said...

reading is awesom!
please post more on your fav books