Friday, August 1, 2008

Everywhere Vampires!

Recently there has been a lot of hype for everything Vampire-related. With teen girls and their mothers going wild for Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series, and the impending movie and new book release (I've read every book and seen every movie trailer), there has been a notable increase in every other thing that relates to vampires (or vampyres if you so desire). To make my point even more clear, this is a picture I took while in Borders of their lovely vampire display that was all prepared for the party taking place tonight for the release of Breaking Dawn (see the poster?). This is the living proof that even things that "suck" can sell!
Along with all the hype that stores world wide have placed on the new release of Breaking Dawn, there has been serious coverage on the Internet, TV, and in many magazines. The other day when Heather brought in the mail she directly handed the Entertainment Weekly to me, even though I only really look at the books section. Puzzled, I looked at the magazine in my hands... it was all Twilight! They had done an entire section based around the books, and then toped it off with a section all about the movie! I abducted Mom's toilet reading and took it to my own room and devoured each word. They not only discussed that in there, they also illuminated other vampire books. Inside, there was a chart that I skimmed over only to discover that I have read nearly every book they discuss! They chart the abilities of various vamps that live in the public eye via novels and television. I'll leave it up to you, the reader, to decide which powers the vampires in your mind are endowed with.
On the side column it reads: Sleep in Coffins, Repelled by Garlic, Affected by Sunlight, Retractable Fangs, Obsessed with counting

Then it lists the compared vampires: Twilight, Interview With a Vampire, Bloodsucking Fiends, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 30 Days of Night, Blade, Marked, and Count Von Count (from Sesame Street).
It surprised me the next week when this showed up in the newer EW magazine. I was, in fact, so taken aback that my sister and went to the website listed and checked out to see if it would just be a promotional spoof for Breaking Dawn. Nope, it had no mention of Stephenie Meyer or her books, it was all informational! I checked the quote at the top again and discovered that it says "Vampire Were People Too"... the first time I glimpsed it, I made the wrongful assumption that it said "We're" rather than "Were" and that made it all the more funny!

So, it is official! Vampires are everywhere (even if they may only exist in fictional media---- but, I'll let you be the judge of that).

*** And if any of you want to see the picture in their full view, just click them and they'll appear bigger so you can read them.


Anonymous said...

wow, i bet some of my friends are going crazy over all the attention on Vampires. i heard a lot about the book, but have yet to read it. Now i'll be sure to pick it up some time.

Beth said...

Heh, good to finally get you on here DWC. It's a good read, i think you'd like it.

Unhinged said...

Hah! That was a good one--the vampire site. It wasn't until I saw that HBO endorsed the site that I realized it was a joke. I'm like...they want support from Congress?!

I'm reading Breaking Dawn. About 1/4th the way through. I can't believe I've squealed so much--I'm such an idiot.

But a HAPPY idiot.

Are you a happy idiot? Tell! Tell!

Beth said...

I was unable to get my hands on the book, but I think I'm going to be borrowing it from a friend as soon as she is done.

Anonymous said...

i am going to need more garlic!!
or i can move to Italy (they cook with garlic)

DiAnne said...

You know what you are?

You're a damn magazine thief!!

I was in serious withdrawal without my issue of Entertainment Weekly.
