Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Normal Day

Normal is not a word I use frequently, since it is so hard to define. But, I can easily say that in a "normal" day for me, there is a good dose of insanity. My morning started with my printer absolutely refusing to work for me so I couldn't print out my Spanish homework that was due today before noon! I scrambled and ended up having to re-adjust my document's settings to make it print. Then when I was at school, I realized that all that scrambling meant that I didn't have any makeup on! So, I go to the bathroom and make myself presentable before class starts. In first period, my teacher assigned me to write about something and rather than just writing, I ranted. It was an issue that my little group of friends and I have talked a lot about: our school's false sense of security and how anyone could walk in with a gun and shoot us up. In second period, my art teacher nearly has a breakdown when we miss the announcements and then when she finally gets them working, other students start doing work when they aren't suppose to and she just starts pointing at people and shaking as if she had a seizure! Then study hall was boring as usual, but, Cookie Monster had an adventure in the girls restroom on the other side of the school! She went to the restroom and called her mom, but when she was re-adjusting in the stall (or something along those lines, she may have already been calling or texting or whatever) she dropped the cell into the dirty toilet water! It didn't turn back on. At lunch, she told Elmo, Pimp and me about it and Pimp thought it was so funny that she squirted milk out her nose!
The rest of the school day was fairly bland and I managed to only come home with Geometry homework. Later on at home, Mom told me that I could get on IM once my homework was all done...
Well, when I was on IM today, I was talking with Cookie Monster and we went into an awkward silence so I decided to break it by singing a song. The conversation went like this:
Oscar says (9:01 PM):
... the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout...
Cookie Monster says (9:01 PM):
Oscar says (9:01 PM):
... down came the rain and washed the spider out...
Oscar says (9:01 PM):
(continue it!)
Cookie Monster says (9:01 PM):
out came the sun
Cookie Monster says (9:01 PM):
and dried up all the rain
Cookie Monster says (9:01 PM):
and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
Oscar says (9:02 PM):
Cookie Monster says (9:06 PM):
the itsy bitsy emo searched to find a vain in went the razor and out went the pain the emos blood dripped to the floor and the itsy bitsy emo cried a little more!!

Now, that is messed up...


DiAnne said...

You have weird friends.

That must be why they are perfect for you.

Anonymous said...

This entry is messed up
well the whole blog is for that fact
but hey that is u

p.s. did Cookie Monster ever tell her mother about the phone because if she does then i would love to hear that story

Beth said...

No, she never told her mom to my knowledge...
Yes, I do have odd friends, and we have a blast because of it!

Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm weird! And proud of it!