Monday, January 7, 2008

First Instalment

Well, everyone has been bugging me to post my story about this past Friday and Saturday, but I have the bad habit of writing novels when it comes to telling things that happen in my life. So, this will be the first instalment of what all of my readers have been wanting to read. This has just been sitting in a Word document waiting for me to publish it, I thought I would get further, but I have failed miserably since I'm trying to stay caught up on my homework!

So, here it is, enjoy! :P (I promise that I'll finish the story later, just let me get done with my homework!)

We have officially reached the eye of the storm where everything has an eerie silence and the air is electric as if when some one would say even a word that they may get violently shocked. Everyone is watching their words (except for my forever uncensored mother) and trying not to step on any toes for fear of getting a knife in their back.
My computer is reformatted and gorgeous once again! Yea! For a while I thought that I had lost half of my music, but it all worked itself out in the end. (phew!)

… *exasperated sigh*
So, I guess all of you are waiting for me to tell the story of Friday and Saturday, right? (Cookie Monster: Feel free to make any corrections, because my memory is a little muddled on some details)
Well, Friday at about 7pm I got in my car and pulled out of the driveway to go to Cookie Monster’s house; my trunk loaded down with clothing, schoolwork, Wii-motes, and board games. When I’m about two blocks away from her house I realize that I’ve foolishly forgotten to drop off my music cds that needed returned to the library, and that I left my pills on the counter back at the house. I just kept on driving to her house, and when I pulled up Cookie Monster was opening the door to check out me finally driving on my own. I tell her what all I forgot to do as we head into her house and we resolve to go to the library, even though I am well aware of the rule that I am not suppose to have people in the car with me for the time being. We get there and she jumps out and puts the cds in the night deposit box (our library closed at 6pm since it was a Friday). Then while she is dropping it off in the box, I pull up out of the way into a parking spot… and turn of the car. My car has issues. It doesn’t always start (among the handful of other things that don’t always go well with my car). Well, this time, my car did not start! And after a few tries I decided that I needed to get in the trunk for something (my cell phone from my purse I think, but I’m not sure anymore). It was frozen shut. I finally jimmied it open. I do whatever I was going to get, and then close it, and that’s when I realized that because it was so frigid outside, the tumblers on the lock for my trunk had bent my key! That’s when I realized I was screwed. I told Cookie Monster to slip behind her seat and poke through the Velcro cover that separated my trunk from the area behind the two seats since I knew that I would probably have to call mom. As she hid, I tried to reshape my key with my hands. That failed to work. So, I went to the trunk and worked the key into it and twisted it the other way, which managed to bend the key back into place. Back in the driver’s seat, I tried the engine again; still nothing, even after about 20 desperate tries.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tell me more
tell me more
tell me more

Beth said...

Elmo! It's uneven! You wrote it three times! AHHH! I"ll have to smack you when i see you at school on Wednesday! :P