Sunday, January 6, 2008


Right now my computer is being reformatted and I won't be able to check into my blog very much. The reformatting started up yesterday (Saturday) while Stalin was here. On Friday after school at around 7pm I went over to Cookie Monster's house (as most of you already know, this was when I got in trouble for a little sneak trip to the Library) and we stayed up until about 3 playing the Wii and talking and doing other miscellaneous stuff. The entire computer stuff was suppose to be done then, but Mom was mad enough at me to say that it could wait (and I understand that).
So, for now as my mom struggles with the task of reformatting my computer, I am sitting right behind her typing on Angel's computer to put up this little entry.
Well, for once all of my homework is done! WOOO HOOOO! Maybe this will mean that I can finally have time to do some "fun" stuff like cleaning my room, doing laundry (my bedroom floor has "clothing colored carpet" as my mom would say) and reloading all of my music (over 4,500 songs and over 4,000 tracks of audio books).
When I am done tossing in a load of laundry, if it's alright with mom, I will be back to tell the story of Friday and Saturday night. *sigh* I am in serous trouble for that, but no one has died because of it yet! (yet being the key word!)


Anonymous said...

i am supprised that your mom is even willing reformatting your computer
it seems you really ticked her off
i hope you don't die

just do all the laundry and make your room spotless then you might get on her good side
remember you might

DiAnne said...

Since I'm the "Mad Mom" of this entry, I can confidently report that I did NOT kill her. And don't plan to, either. After all, she's one hell of a tax deduction.

That being said, a mom's heart is exceedingly adept at forgiveness. Her sister is proof of that.

Forgetting? Nope. Not gonna happen. When she gets those keys back, it'll be with Big Momma's ever-watchful eye.