Sunday, January 13, 2008

Shaking The Rafters

It's about time that I start making your speakers vibrate off of your desk. So, check out these awesome videos. (And P.S. Elmo, you actually might like the lyrics just not the sound of the song... so try looking up the lyrics as you watch these. I promise, they're not as bad as they seem. Remember, don't judge a book by it's cover!)

Breaking Benjamin's "Rain"

Here is Three Day's Grace singing "Animal I Have Become"

And this next one is up here specifically for Elmo and Cookie Monster... we can have fun with this one! (Cookie Monster, don't get any ideas, I'M JOKING!)
The Dixie Chicks - "Goodbye Earl" (these subtitles are wrong... frequently... but it was the best I felt like looking for at the time. Deal with it.)

... Aw, crap! I lost track of time, and I have to be in bed by 10pm! Sorry Mom!


Anonymous said...

this was cool!
and yes we could get some ideas from "Goodbye Earl".....some day.....although i hope not.
this was a fun blog.
i am hoping that there will be more like this.

Goodbye Earl!!

Anonymous said...

yes and see that there are many mistakes and the biggest one that is bothering me is that they say "Na na na na naa" not die die die
with die in it it would sound very very weird

Anonymous said...

i don't know what i was thinking but that last comment should say something like yes i see that there are....


(who else would mess up typing or writing)

Beth said...

Elmo, you are loosing your mind. Do I need to find you a straight jacket?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

except this time it would be yours not mine!!

Beth said...

well, i was thinking that it could be mine or "the tire slasher" if you get who i mean...

Anonymous said...

i dont think jordanne told you the story no slashing involved but ok but it defiently is yours

Beth said...

I am sooooo lost on that story. I thought that he let all the air out of the tires...

Beth said...

And on here it's not "Jordanne," it should be "puppy."