Thursday, January 17, 2008

Adios, mi amigos

Alright, for those of you who don't know Spanish, that was "goodbye, my friends." I will be leaving for camp tomorrow and not returning until Sunday. Even though you may die a little on the inside with out my blogging to read, I know you will survive.
I love camping, without a doubt in my mind, I absolutely love to get away from it all and be connected with nature and have some quality down-time to sketch and think and relax, all of which are things I haven't done since school started! We aren't permitted to take along cellphones or mp3 players or any kind of electronics; and, besides you would not get service where we go anyway. I can live without music easily (even though I will always love my music) and as a plus, I get to have time to finally sit and sketch and be outdoors where I can open my eyes and not have homework in front of me!
The only downside to me going is the social part. I can come straight out and say that I'm generally a shy person at school with the people I've known since second grade. But when you toss me in with people from all over the state that I've never met (some people I've met once or twice), that's when I become a real introvert and the queen of being anti-social. If anyone out there in blogger land has ever seen me in a group of people, they'll know that I'm always the person standing off near the back that will avoid eye contact and only speak when spoken to (and only then, speak in a quiet voice for that matter). Believe it or not, I wasn't always like this, back in roughly 6th grade is when I became as introverted as I am now. But, I doubt that I shall ever become as social as I was then. At home and with people I am very familiar with, I tend to be more outgoing, but still not to the point of what I use to be. With my friends like Cookie Monster and Elmo who I go to school with, they get to see both sides, the quiet side and the hyperactive side.
Well, it's past ten, and anyone that I would normally be talking to has gone to bed. My classes won't be session tomorrow since we have a teacher in-service, preparing for the new nine weeks, and updating teachers on news that they should know about (like the levy that isn't passing which will eventually lead to cutbacks and pay to play). So, while all of my friends from other schools have class tomorrow, I'm lucky enough to have the perfect schedule! I don't have to rush after school to make it to the church parking lot to meet up with my youth group like I've had to do in previous years.
Ok, I need to go check on the laundry and start packing up now. So, I'll be back on Sunday, see you all later!


Anonymous said...

have fun (or i hope you are having fun)!!

oh and her hyperactive side is an interesting thing

DiAnne said...

Well,you survived and (contrary to what you always say) you did NOT die from spending time away from your music.

The house was peaceful and quiet (well, as quiet as it could be with Grandma around after eating beans). I missed you.

Beth said...


Anonymous said...

did it work?